
Comfort Zone

Just so you know Stepping out of your supposedly comfort zone may be daunting, but more daunting is to remain there. That new terrain you cower in fear to tread may turn out to be more comfortable than the status quo comfort zone, ask Abraham. The taste of the meat is in the eating, you definitely won't know it until you try it out. You pretty don't know what that venture, adventure, stride, place has in store for you. You just need to break out of the norm of your sedentary lifestyle and rise to cover more ground. "Where the sole of your feet shall tread, I will give to you"........ Don't get too satisfied with your past achievement and feel complacent to forge ahead. Your best result must be your next result. #peptalk today

Vision 2019

Get These Right in 2019 (1) "A good beginning needs excitement, a good ending needs discipline". A good way to kick start a year is with enthusiasm and excitement, however, don't waste all your time basking in the euphoria of the new year, it's less than 364 days already.   Life is too short to waste a second. Get on the feet, start working now, lest procrastination eats your time. Starting well is not as good as ending well; you need discipline to end well. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. Once you have commitment, you need discipline and hard work to get you there. (2) You will not find a way If you don't know where you are going. "......Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it" Habakkuk 2:2. Don't roam around this year living visionless or without a goal. Your vision gives you direction. Get a vision board, write your SMART goals, and if need be, get an accountability partner to he...

Making Meaning

Making money is quite easier than making meaning, but the latter is quite important than the former. It's a grave mistake and misconception to think money is your goal; no thanks to the decadence in our societal and moral values, we have gone astray in our pursuit of money to the detriment of our purpose. Money is never a goal. Money should not be your goal. God didn't create you for the sole purpose of making money, but making meaning. Money is only a reward; a reward for hard work. You add more meaning to your existence the more you put a smile on people's face. You're near fulfilment when people smile at the sound of your name. And that's quintessential what success truly stands for, and not primarily the hard and soft currency in your account. Thus I always insist, you must thrive to be remembered for the life you lived, and not for the money you made.


Competition doesn't build characters, it rather reveals it. Competition enhances the visibility of those latent characters you thought you never had or you knew not they existed. Most often, we misconstrue WHAT our competition is for WHO our competition is. Your competition is not other people. Your competition is your ego, procrastination, lack of creativity, the knowledge you neglect and negative behaviors you're nurturing. Compete with your ego and see how humble you are. Compete with procrastination to see you're a better time stickler. Compete with those negative behaviors and behold a refined version of yourself. Compete with lack of knowledge and others; it is a must win competition.

Time and Season

People manifest in season, just the same way as fruits and other farm produce. Your time and season will surely come. Don't ever think you're failing because you see your friends progressing, that may just be their season of manifestation; I reiterate, your time and season will surely come. While you await your manifestation, it is expedient you get yourself busy enhancing your skills and character. While it may be difficult for you to change your personality, you can successfully rebrand your character. Success begets success! You have to do something, no matter how small it is. The level of success doing that small thing may be the threshold for bigger success. God may be using that to prepare you for the glory ahead. The 'experience gained will definitely amount to something desideratum in the long run. If you think you're too big to manage something small, then consider yourself too small to manage something big (Your manifestation). Or does the Holy Bible not s...

Hardest Product

The hardest product to sell is YOURSELF . We are in the era of sales and marketing, where everybody is a buyer and seller. If you still hold on to the believe that sales and marketing is a jurisdiction for a particular discipline, it's high time you let it go. Every one has something to sell in this present digital dispensation; be it skills, service, goods, even YOURSELF. What do you think you are doing when you develop content on your CV and complement it with a Cover Letter? You are literally selling yourself and your products (Skills) to prospective employers that may consider buying you to enhance her own objectives. But because you do not have a price tag, people wouldn't hesitate to bargain for your cheap purchase. More often when your appearance doesn't connote what you have to offer. They will try to judge your book by its cover. It is your responsibility to know value of your worth, lest people devalue you. Your value doesn't have to decrease based on so...


Unsuccessful people measure success with money, titles, positions. Successful people measure success with how much difference they made in other people's life. Being a First Class graduate doesn't make you successful until you impact your knowledge into people's life. A business mogul won't be tagged successful until his philanthropy is felt by people. Our success is measured by others, and the yardstick is our much of your impact is felt. Your level of kindness is your level of success. Be kind to people no matter what!

Dream Jobs

"Stop waiting for dream jobs, or you'll live all your life in dreams. You never know whether it will come." Instead, acquire skills and all necessary resources (which may come from another career field) to accelerate and ascend into that dream job. If you studied Engineering and a bank job comes your way, take it! But always make transition plan to Engineering in order to fulfill your passion for that dream job. *_peptalk today


There is still more light to see, more darkness to blind There is still more Ignorance to kill, more knowledge to save There is still more good to pay, more evil to reward There is still more time to waste, and more time to harness There is still more opportunities to gain, more opportunities to lose And there is still more future to make, and more future to mar Whichever one you subscibe to, know fully well that there is still more choice to make. Always Make the Right One. #peptalk_today