Hardest Product

The hardest product to sell is YOURSELF.

We are in the era of sales and marketing, where everybody is a buyer and seller. If you still hold on to the believe that sales and marketing is a jurisdiction for a particular discipline, it's high time you let it go. Every one has something to sell in this present digital dispensation; be it skills, service, goods, even YOURSELF.

What do you think you are doing when you develop content on your CV and complement it with a Cover Letter? You are literally selling yourself and your products (Skills) to prospective employers that may consider buying you to enhance her own objectives. But because you do not have a price tag, people wouldn't hesitate to bargain for your cheap purchase. More often when your appearance doesn't connote what you have to offer. They will try to judge your book by its cover.

It is your responsibility to know value of your worth, lest people devalue you. Your value doesn't have to decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. You have to accentuates that one may find gold in a pile of garbage. Don't see yourself as failure for any job rejection, see it as their loss, not yours; because they will be missing out on value you would have added to their organization.

Be that lady, that man of value that people, companies, organizations crave to have in their portfolio.

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