Master of Disguise
One of the female presenters on NBC Africa shared how she met her husband. She said when she was an undergraduate, she listed some of the qualities she would want in a husband. Absurdly enough, she also listed a name she would want her husband to bear!
Then she met a man whose name was alien to the one on her list. Thank God she didn't rebuff him. It was in getting to know him that she discovered that his middle name, which he didn't often use, was the name on her list!
Joseph had dreamt of greatness. But God disguised his greatness in slavery, false rape accusation, and finally, imprisonment. What God wanted to achieve was for Joseph to acquire the skills he would need to function when he finally stepped into greatness!
Skill acquisition is heaven's aim during 'disguise' moments!
Has it ever occurred to you that the key to your dream position may be disguised in the one you now hold?
While at this seemingly lowly position, please apply yourself fully to it. Acquire every skill you can. Avail yourself of every training available!
This is because the keys that will open tomorrow's great doors are forged from the metallic scraps of today's small efforts.
"The hand of the diligent will rule, but the lazy man will be put to forced labour" Prov.12:24
Credit: Sola Sorinolu
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