Life Drama Series (1)
One of the funniest narratives of life I have observed is you presuming your friends are living large, and because you aren't in constant contact with one another as hitherto, they probably have abandoned you. You know, possibly, the tendency is high that they also at their own end are thinking you've ostracized them because you appear to be living large and have chosen to remain incommunicado.
More often than not, this is far-fetched. Forget about the paparazzi your friends parade on social media; appearance is not always reality. The reality is everyone is still a work in progress. So the onus is on you to work on yourself so you don't get left behind eventually when the harvest is ripe.
Moreover, what you need to know is that people are busy and responsibility is piling up. Interestingly, the fact is that a busy person likes those who are busy. Instead of crying foul people are not getting in touch with you, get yourself busy. There may not be a reason for others to be in constant contact, probably for a chit chat, with you to prove their friendship to you.
Just know when/if you need them, they are there. Even if you only talk once in a Blue Moon, make it count. Ask about how they have been faring and offer to help if or when you can. This way, we can live and let others live.
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