
Have you ever sojourned to a wonderland? This thing called "skills" will take you there. It is a bundle of amazement. It is everyone's number one asset. When you are bereft of it, you have no asset. It is the 21st Century most sought-after tangible and intangible assets. Little wonder, firms/organizations/companies jostle for it. Skill is not just knowledge because knowledge is just certification. Skill is a demonstrated mastery. It is the praticalisation of theory. That is what makes your "impossibles" someone's "possibles". It is the distinction between novice and expert. Having it or in the dearth of it dictates successes and failures respectively. It makes a million out of a paltry. It turns the once rejected stone into a cornerstone. Just like a talent, it paves the way for the owner. Skills bring relevance. It is a principal thing, in all thy doings get skilled. What are you sk...