Theology of Work

'Work' and 'job' are two different concepts. Your job is what you have agreed to do for a fixed price. But no one can really pay you enough for your work.

Your work is what fulfills you, your life's calling, your bliss. It defines your existence.

You may be fortunate, however, to have your job as your work or your work as your job.

Jesus knew His work on Earth and this was to provide the answer to the sin question with His death and resurrection. People wanted to give Him a job to become an earthly king. He declined.

Many today have lost their work because of the trappings of their jobs. Your job may give you a healthy bank balance but it is your work that credits your life's account.

Your job can be taken away but your work is permanent. While doing your job, don't ever lose sight of your work.

Whatever you do as a sacrifice on your path that brings joy and hope to others maybe your work. And your job may be a means to accomplishing that.

Taking kids off the street or provision of affordable health care and housing may be some people's life's work.

Your job dies at your demise. But your work lives on after you. It is your calling.

"I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day, the night is coming when no one can work" John 9:4


Credit: Sola Sorinolu


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