5G & Conspiracies

History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.” - Ecc 1:9 (NLT)
History is a very powerful teacher, for those who are humble enough to subject themselves to its lessons. 
One thing I have found is that the efficacy of the word of God remains the same; as Ecc 1:9 says, history repeats itself and NOTHING is new under the sun. I also discovered that every time there has been a major global disaster, there has also been a major global conspiracy. 
Yes, we are closer to the coming of Christ, as we are closer to our graves each day, but not every disaster is a vehicle in which our Christ will come. If you must spiritualize COVID-19 and this global lockdown, here’s how:
1. Be humble; to accept the lessons that this is teaching us all 
2. Inquire; why secularism has mixed with spiritualism. Why the church has become so integrated with the world. Thus, whatever affects the world, impacts the church.  
3. Look inward; ask how come I didn’t see this coming? Why was it hidden from me? 
How come all of a sudden, everyone now has an opinion, but no one had a clue about anything called COVID-19 6 months ago, except Bill Gates who warned the entire world 5years ago? And now there’s a conspiracy about him too. Being in denial is the worst way of dealing with a crisis. Acceptance moves one closer to discovering truths. 
About a month ago, some people said black people don’t catch COVID-19, then it became, the sun in Africa is just too hot for it to survive there. Later it became, this is an attack against religious gatherings. In the last one week, they’ve gone from all of that to linking COVID-19 with 5G. Quite a journey! I’m struggling to see the sense in telecoms setting up 5G, to kill the very customers they intend to sell the service to. I don’t think that’s how business works. Some said vaccines are to control your mind, but some people took flu, polio and cholera jabs, etc
One of the gifts God has given to us is the ability to reason, analyze and infer. This beautiful infographics by Visual Capitalist show us some of what our world has had to deal with in the past 500+ years.
Friends! There’s nothing that is happening now that has not happened before, we are all just too young to have experienced any of the previous global epidemics or pandemics; unless you’re 120 years old+. This is not new, this is not the anti-Christ and this has NOTHING to do with 5G. Go read about Spanish flu or the Black Death and you’d see that whoever is reading more into this than what it is, a disease, is ill-informed. 
We can not deny the direct or indirect impact of COVID-19, especially on our social fabric; it will take us some time to recover. However, sensationalizing this does more damage than good. 5G also has some health hazards, so does the mobile phone you’re reading this via. Nothing is new under the sun, we are just too young to experience history twice. 
This too shall pass!
Credit: Kola Oyeneyin


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