It is not enough that someone is a doctor… We tell them to hustle. So they collaborate with merchants and sell your son’s kidney when he comes for a check-up. It is not enough that someone is a teacher… We shame them for earning a certain amount. So they intentionally deny your children a good education in the classroom, so that YOU can pay for private lessons and they (teachers) can make more money. It is not enough that he is your employee… You indirectly scoff at the idea of working-for-others, so these people steal from you… Because you are an asshole. It is not enough that you are a football coach… The culture of “hustle oo” in third-world countries will get to you and you ignore the ethics of your industry and ask for a bribe. It is not enough that you are a politician… Nigerians will mock you for driving a Peugeot, so you will do as others do: steal a billion naira and buy a yacht. It is not enough to be YOU in third-world societies… ...