
Showing posts from August, 2020

Are you selfish?

SELFISHNESS v SELF-PRESERVATION Selfishness is thinking of yourself ONLY! Self-Preservation is when you think of yourself, BUT with others in mind! If you we’ve ever travelled by air, you will recognize this image. I used to wonder why the cabin crew always told us to wear our Oxygen mask first, before attending to the passenger sitting next to us, even our children. It felt completely irresponsible and if I may say so, selfish, that adults would take care of themselves first, before taking care of even their children; during a drop in oxygen level‬ Thanks to a NASA research, we now know that “by helping others first or ignoring the mask altogether, a person will begin to lose his or her ability to recognize faces and shapes, and eventually pass out” - HuffPost. It was when I read this that I stopped judging the process. 2020 (+ possibly 2021) is a year of low oxygen level. It’s a year when we are all on a depressurized global airplane cabin. You’re not being selfish for looking...

Theology of Work

'Work' and 'job' are two different concepts. Your job is what you have agreed to do for a fixed price. But no one can really pay you enough for your work. Your work is what fulfills you, your life's calling, your bliss. It defines your existence. You may be fortunate, however, to have your job as your work or your work as your job. Jesus knew His work on Earth and this was to provide the answer to the sin question with His death and resurrection. People wanted to give Him a job to become an earthly king. He declined. Many today have lost their work because of the trappings of their jobs. Your job may give you a healthy bank balance but it is your work that credits your life's account. Your job can be taken away but your work is permanent. While doing your job, don't ever lose sight of your work. Whatever you do as a sacrifice on your path that brings joy and hope to others maybe your work. And your job may be a means to accomplishing that. Taking kids off th...

Social Media

A dreadful disservice you can offer yourself is relinquishing your thinking responsibility to social media (SM). Your mind is too precious to be a dumpsite for every post you stumble upon. Just so you know, the litmus test for you being educated is not in your class of degree but in how well you've trained your mind to think, and the curiosity to learn. Fallen short of this put your degree in question. Absorbing or acting upon without filtering every post on SM will unknowingly but subtly make you find life plunging you into waterloo if you're careless. It is pertinent at this point to know that SM is riddled with more ignorance than wisdom. So consider it expedient you don't patronize or allow every thought to get a foothold in your mind, it doesn't matter the number of likes or who's selling it. Imagine someone coming to terms that being born in Nigeria is a disadvantage already; and that automatically life is leading you 1 - 0. Alas, you see thousands of pe...