The Alternative

There is an Alternative. Cynthia was heartbroken as she had been sure it was God that led Mike to her. He had proposed after she sought the Lord's face in fasting and prayer for a life partner. That was until a few months back when Mike called her and broke off their engagement! Have you ever lost something you were absolutely sure God wanted you to have? A job? A business deal? A ministry opportunity? Elijah was told by God to go and hide by Brook Cherith to escape the famine in the land. (Ref: 1Kg.17). "And it shall be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there"vs4 It was God that led Elijah to the brook to escape the famine. You would have thought the brook would be there for as long as Elijah wanted or needed it. But the brook dried up(vs7)! Can God lead anyone into anything that works for a while and afterward refuses to? Absolutely! Why? He has provided an alternative! God will not have you stuck with 'the goo...